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Mr. R. Ravimohan Chairman CRISIL Visits VGSOM, IIT Kharagpur

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Mr. R. Ravimohan Chairman CRISIL Visits VGSOM, IIT Kharagpur


He also talked about how India's young workforce will propel it to great heights and could also end up as a bane if sufficient jobs are not provided to them.

He lucidly explained the concepts of Structural Liquidity, Accommodative Monetary Policy Stance and talked about the difference between Fundamentals and Technical. His lecture contained moments of humour which livened up the atmosphere and allowed the students to interact freely with him. Offering his opinions on various topics he said that the capital required for a Start-ups has reduced by 50% over the last 20 years and also opined that in his view there has been no major technological breakthrough in the last 30 years. Towards the end of his talk he talked about the weakening of the Dollar and suggested that this was the best time to do business as everyone was equal.

It was a highly satisfying and motivating lecture which was interspersed with interesting questions from the audience. Mr. Ravimohan concluded the lecture by giving his best wishes to all the students and welcoming them to the Business World.


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Contributed by -
Saurabh Mishra,
Corporate and Media Interaction,
Vinod Gupta School of Management,
IIT, Kharagpur.

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