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Samiksha 2006 Panel Discussion Series Held at NITIE, Mumbai
'Indian Companies on a Global Acquisition Spree'


The discussions later focused on the intricacies of the recent Indian deals inked in the past year. The average deal size (which is less than $30 million) and frequency of mergers in India provide a stark contrast when seen in the global scenario. Mr. Arun Patankar was of the view that "The regulatory barriers which had restricted the inorganic growth a few years back are no longer there and thus the industries are more outward focused."

"Cultural differences can act as an impediment to successful mergers," said Mr. Abhinav Sinha. He also stated that "Global competitiveness is paramount, but developing synergies between the acquired companies is also of utmost importance."

Mr. H. Rajaram, VP, Bluestar, expressed a differing view asking why companies should blindly make global acquisitions when India is looked upon as a hot destination for all the global companies. "Consolidating position in India is an alternative option," he suggested.

Mr. Biren Bhuta deftly steered the discussion towards the issue of global brand building exercise, looked into by the major players in Indian industry. The issues of Indian brands building a strong image and the effect of the globalization leading to head-on competition in the global arena also came up.

Samiksha ended with the note that mergers and acquisitions are the way forward for Indian companies. Though the deals are smaller in comparison with US and Europe, these are the small steps which will fuel the growth of Indian companies to the next level.


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Contributed by -
Harsha Venkatesh,
Media Coordinator,
Management Class of 2007,
NITIE, Mumbai.