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NITIE, Mumbai Plays Host to Another Samiksha

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NITIE, Mumbai Plays Host to Another Samiksha
Theme: "Corporate Social Responsibility: A Reality or an Illusion"


Designing for better disposal, reusability and recyclability are just some of the things companies are actively considering today. As he rightly put, if you are able to clean your own house and put your actions in order, much of your corporate social responsibility can be taken care of. Its more a matter of your mental outlook than a set of procedures.
He gave numerous examples to state his point, like the single use cameras being sold by Kodak in China, which are almost 90% reusable material, and of how the advent of digital revolution is just transferring the waste from chemical to electronic and not actually curing the problem of wastage.

Mr. Baxi also explained about the differences between philanthropic activities of companies and CSR. He then went on to show how various CSR initiatives turn out to be cost effective & work as profit centers. He emphasized on the point that there should be a global standard acceptance when it comes to the SHE policies. He urged the budding managers in the audience to broaden their thinking and develop a holistic view about business development.

This Samiksha brought out the unanimous view of academic, corporate as well as NGO community that CSR, though in its nascent stage, is being practiced in India and it will surely pick up in the years to come. The revealed that the corporate world is realizing their social obligations and coming out of myopic objective of profit maximization.


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Contributed by -
Tanveer Singh,
NITIE, Mumbai.

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