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Workshop on Commodity Markets - Commodex - Successfully Concludes at FMS, Delhi

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Workshop on Commodity Markets - Commodex - Successfully Concludes at FMS, Delhi
Post-event Press-release


The next speaker on stage Mr. Somesh Vaidya, Customer Services Group - Training, followed it up by giving an introduction on commodity trading, a comparison of commodity and financial derivatives and a brief overview of the market in general. He also explained the different trading terminologies with the help of a live demonstration of trading in the Commodity Market.

The second session was on Margin Requirements, Clearing & Settlement. Mr. Vaidya briefed upon the classification of risk and the various risk mitigation strategies. He also enlightened the audience about the different types of settlements and their methodologies.

The third session on Pricing Commodity Derivatives was on the second day of the workshop. The second day's proceedings started with Mrs. Uma Mohan and Ms. Swati Parashar, discussing the various types of clearing and settlement processes and how commodity futures are priced. They engaged the audience in a discussion on the process flow for product launch at NCDEX and the finer points of alternative perspectives of pricing.

The workshop was also interspersed with a couple of tests - on basics and on margins, clearing and settlement. The idea behind the tests was to assess the knowledge of students developed during the course of the workshop.

Spread over two days and divided into three sessions, the workshop covered various aspects of the commodity markets to generate an in-depth understanding of its functioning and live trading on the NCDEX platform. All participants were issued certificates duly authorised by NCDEX.

Prof. Jay. K. Mitra, the Programme Director, concluded the workshop by thanking the faculty members for taking time out from their busy schedules and conducting this workshop, which would help the participants in understanding the dynamics of this emerging market.


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Contributed by -
Anand Prakash Dujari,
Vista - Media Relations & Communications,
MBA (Management of Services),
Faculty of Management Studies, New Delhi.

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