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'Samiksha' at NITIE, Mumbai Reached Successful Conclusion

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'Samiksha' at NITIE Reached Successful Conclusion
Theme: "Aligning HR Strategies With Changine Business Strategies"
Post-event Press-release

The PGDIE batch of NITIE successfully organized a panel discussion, Samiksha, on 5th August 2006. The event was conducted under the able guidance of Prof. Ashok K. Pundir, Associate Dean, Placements. Samiksha is a year round activity undertaken by the students of NITIE.
It takes the atmosphere of learning beyond the binds of classroom and curriculum. While updating with latest trends in industry, it prepares the budding managers for challenges of evolving business conditions. The attempt is to attune the students to become more responsive and focused on the dynamic nature of industry requirements. The discussion is aimed at providing a platform for student-corporate interaction.

The topic of discussion was 'Aligning HR Strategies With Changing Business Strategies'. The role of human resources has been evolving for quite some time now. The HR business objectives have been re-established to support the attainment of the overall strategic business plan and objectives. The discussion emphasized the importance of HR in managing this change and underlines the importance of getting HR "a seat at the table".

The panelists who graced the event and shared their views were: -

  • Commodore Dilip Mohapatra, Global Head, Learning and Development, TCS

  • Mr. Mohit Nayyar, Head HR, P&G

  • Mr. Pankaj Bhargava, Head HR, Marico

  • Mr. Srinivas Macha, Associate Vice President, Aranca

    The event was formally inaugurated by our Director, Dr. Subhash D. Awale. In his warm welcome speech, he commended the efforts of the students of PGDIE for this endeavor. He said that events such as these are essential for the overall development of the students because such knowledge sharing sessions will help the students to understand the subtleties of the real world situations. Further, he advised the students to gain the maximum from the experience of the panelists.

    After the welcome speech, the round of presentations began. The first to address was HR Head of Marico, Mr. Pankaj Bhargava, who explained the paradigms for managing and retaining talent. He suggested a simple technique of treating the talent as a customer. He emphasized the fact that it is essential to make the customer feel comfortable at the time of induction, during his service period and even at the time of separation from the organization. This practice, along with upholding the quality of service provided to the customer, helps in talent retention.


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    Contributed by -
    Rishabh Srivastava & Ravi Prakash,
    Members, IE Times,
    NITIE, Mumbai.

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