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XIM, Bhubaneswar to Conduct "Human Process Laboratories" in Association with ISABS

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XIM, Bhubaneswar to Conduct "Human Process Laboratories" in Association with ISABS
ISABS-XIMB Monsoon Event: September 4-8, 2006


Indian Society for Applied Behavioural Science (ISABS, is a national, non-profit, voluntary, professional organisation, founded in 1972 by a group of behavioural scientists engaged in applying their knowledge and skills for the well-being of persons and organisations.
ISABS events focus on human processes and aim at helping people to understand themselves better and discover more creative and satisfying ways of working and relating. ISABS utilises group- and experience-based learning as its main training method. Experiencing, reflecting, hypothesising, conceptualising, and experimenting - rather than lectures - are the chief ingredients in this process of learning. ISABS also trains professionals to facilitate such experiential learning in organisational and societal contexts.

About XIMB

Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar (XIMB, owes its origin to the initiatives of the Government of Orissa and the Society of Jesus. XIMB has focused on quality and rigorous education, academic infrastructure, technology, and innovation. All these efforts have paid rich dividends - XIMB is among the best management schools in India. XIMB is one of the most technology intensive campuses in India. The campus provides a fertile ground for grooming managerial talent. XIMB also provides training and consulting services to various business and social sectors. Our new MDP residence and training centre are a proof of our commitment to provide continuing education to working executives.

Human Process Laboratories

In a Human Process Laboratory, a group of around 8 to 12 participants work together along with a facilitator to learn about human processes and discover more about themselves, their strengths, their styles, their interpersonal and group interactions, how they perceive and are perceived by others. While this is the primary task, there is no pre-determined agenda and the group uses the 'here and now' experience to derive this learning, using each other as a resource. The facilitator helps to create a climate for such learning. There are also some community sessions where members from all the laboratory groups are invited to participate.


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Contributed by -
Rohit Verma,
Coordinator, IlluminatiX,
The XIMB Media and PR Cell,
Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar.

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