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Mr. Chandrashekhar, Head HR, Capgemini Visits SJMSOM, IIT Bombay

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Mr. Chandrashekhar, Head HR, Capgemini Visits SJMSOM, IIT Bombay

An interactive and inspiring 'Diksha' Session by Mr. Chandrashekhar, Head, HR of Capgemini, was conducted at SJMSOM IIT Bombay on the 9th August 2006.

The 'Diksha' is a ground for corporate interfacing at SJMSOM, a regularly held occasion, where an eminent person from the corporate world is invited to share his knowledge and experience with the school crowd.

The basic talk of this Diksha was focused on discussion about success - its parameters, its importance, its achievement, its interrelation with happiness. By mentioning various parameters of success like fame, money, satisfaction, power, happiness, he laid special emphasis on contributing to the success of others. He also mentioned and exemplified how sometimes achievement of one parameter of success nullifies some other parameter. He told the crowd to acquire a practical rather than an unrealistic, idealistic approach, and to be successful by at least society's definition than be failed by our own definition.

Mr. Chandrashekhar mentioned that it is practically not possible to achieve success only on our own terms but one has to take the society along with ourselves. He also mentioned that there is nothing called permanent success. Even very successful people had their share of ups and downs and their own periods of success. Giving examples from his own personal life, Mr. Chandrashekhar emphasized on believing in creating one's own destiny, ruling one's environment rather than being governed by it, acquiring knowledge and learning, giving emphasis to the morals and acquiring a non-escapist attitude towards life, having patience while achieving success.

All in all, it was a very informative session which made the crowd introspect and see where they are headed.


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Contributed by -
Rachit R. Mehrotra,
Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management,
IIT Bombay.

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