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MICA Hosts Talk by Prof. Julien Cayla of Australian Graduate School of Management

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MICA Hosts Talk by Prof. Julien Cayla of Australian Graduate School of Management

Think foreign business in the Indian market, and the first thing that comes to mind is the vast cultural conflict between a company's perception of India and what the Indian market actually is. Prof. Julien Cayla's talk on a rainy evening at the Mudra Institute of Communications, Ahmedabad Campus, dealt precisely with this problem that many foreign entrants face when deciding to explore possibilities in the diversity and vastness of our land.

On August 10, Prof. Julien Cayla spoke to MICA students about "Another Passage to India - An Ethnography of MNCs' Adaptation to the Indian Market", as a part of the MICA Lecture Series (MLS). Prof. Julien Cayla is a lecturer at the Australian Graduate School of Management where he teaches MBA and Executive MBA Programmes in Marketing, in Sydney and Hong Kong. He is the recipient of the prestigious "Marketing Science Institute Alden Clayton Prize" as well as the "Sheth Foundation Best Dissertation Prize".

Prof. Cayla's talk was more of an interactive session than a lecture, filled with audio-visual aids and sprinkled with anecdotes about his experiences in India, which drew appreciative laughter from the audience and hooked them to every word he spoke. He talked about the culture of advertising, taking the examples of Kellogg's and Fiat and the teething problems they faced as new entrants in the Indian market scene. He spoke at length about the common misconceptions that multinationals have about the average Indian and the possible measures that could be taken to amend that image. He also spoke about how the organizations' own culture affects the way they perceive their customer.

Prof. Cayla's talk was another feather in the cap of the MLS, which has been organizing talks by eminent figures in the field of advertising and marketing with the purpose of fostering a relationship between academia and the industry.


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Mudra Institute of Communications, Ahmedabad (MICA).

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