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S. Ramadorai, CEO, TCS Addresses MBA Students at BIM's 22nd Foundation Day

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S. Ramadorai, CEO, TCS Addresses MBA Students at BIM's 22nd Foundation Day

In August 1984, Bharat Ratna Shri. C. Subramanian along with Prof. P. S. Mani Sundaram, the Vice-Chancellor of Bharathidasan University chaired a meeting of leading academicians and industrialists and an idea was born. This led to the management institute strategically located at one of India's Navratna PSUs. That was the genesis of Bharathidasan Institute of Management - School of Excellence.

Twenty-two years down the line, BIM celebrates its Foundation Day as one of the premier business institutes in our country. Padma Bhushan Shri S. Ramadorai, CEO & MD, Tata Consultancy Services, presides the Foundation Day celebrations. Shri Ramadorai has played a key role in building TCS into one of the world's largest software companies. He is also the Chairman of the Board of Governors of BIM.

Speaking at the 22nd Foundation Day of the BIM, Mr. S. Ramadorai said innovations and technology breakthroughs of the future were more likely to emerge out of convergence of different disciplines and it was essential that teachers of management, science and technology adopt a multi-disciplinary approach.

"The way managers work has changed and will continue to do so. The way we teach should also reflect the change," Mr. Ramadorai, who is also the chairman of the Board of Governors of BIM, said.

Besides multi-disciplinary skills, domain expertise, an innovative mindset, global outlook and communication skills were the pre-requisites for future managers. The budding managers should be 'venturesome'. Conditions are promising for them. The country's intellectual capital in IT, bio-technology and other cutting-edge disciplines hold the key to global leadership. Innovation should have no boundaries. Spotting and optimizing opportunities for innovation would yield new enterprises, products and services.

Information technology, he said, was at the heart of every domain. The pace of change in IT had given a fresh connotation for newness. The knowledge business was becoming more specialized to suit the needs of end users. Customization and personalization were key differentiating factors, Mr. Ramadorai said.

The company would consider a suggestion made by Bharathidasan University Vice-Chancellor C. Thangamuthu that the TCS support an MBA programme on technology management at the Bharathidasan Institute of Management (BIM), Mr. Ramadorai said.

BIM Director-General N. Jayasankaran and Director, M. Sankaran, Senior Managers from BHEL, were also solicited the function.

The students were also thrilled to have some of the alumni members being part of the celebration. Thanks to Raghav Bala, Shanmugavaradan, Rajeshwar, Alagappan and Anuradha for having participated in the celebrations.


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Contributed by -
Aadarsh H.,
BIM Trichy.

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