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Telecom Rostrum at Department of Management Studies, IIT Delhi

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Telecom Rostrum at Department of Management Studies, IIT Delhi

'Convergence' this was the central theme for the Telecom Rostrum '06 held at the Department of Management Studies, IIT Delhi. The event was held in three sessions where business heads from the across the Telecom Industry shared their experiences on the technical, business and market perspectives in achieving Convergence.

The event was launch with the lighting of the auspicious lamp by Dr. Ravishankar and Mr. Ajay Gupta, vice president of Flextronics. Dr. Ravishankar briefed the audience about the history of DMS and the uniquely designed telecom course. Mr. Ajay Gupta then enlightened us with the history of Flextronics and its contribution to the telecom sector. He explained the importance of research and development and the need to plough in revenues into it. He also talked about the 3 types of convergence present in the telecom sector namely service, network and device convergence.

The second session was the technical session chaired by Dr. Kiran Momaya of the department of Management Studies who gave us a brief insight into the importance of convergence. Mr. P.K Bhatnagar from Reliance put forward the importance of convergence from the reliance perspective. He enlightened the students on the six level structure of Reliance and its role in meeting the demands of the current generation. Mr. Bhatnagar was followed by Mr. Ashok Juneja, corporate director of Bharti, who addressed the techno-managerial aspect of convergence. He emphasized on the role played by the cost factor o the convergence with well highlighted examples. He also mentioned the "need" factor limiting the convergence revolution. The last speaker before lunch session was Mr. Sandeep Nagpaul from Motorola. He took to the viewpoint of the current market trends and how it affected convergence. He pointed out that innovation is the key to reshape the industry. He ably demonstrated the criticality of seamless mobility by giving an insight into daily life of one device.

The theme for the third session was Business side to convergence; chaired by Dr. Ravi Shankar of the Department of Management Studies. On board this session were Mr. Vivek Pohrwal, BU Head, Avaya Global Connect and Mr. Rajat Mukherjee. Mr. Pohrwal enumerated the finer nuances of convergence and introduce to the students the various business communication applications and explained how the convergence in networks actually takes place. Aligning the business side to the technology, Mr. Pohrwal also discussed Avaya's business interest in the phenomenon of convergence. Mr. Rajat Mukherjee of Idea Cellular on the other hand discussed the nuances of telecom as an enabler, and the challenges for convergence in the Indian context.

The event served as a platform to bring together the corporate and the academia to deliberate on issues and challenges facing the nation in achieving end to end convergence and share their experiences and views with the larger audience.


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