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Confirmed Speakers' List & Final Events Scheduled During MICANVAS'06 at MICA

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Confirmed Speakers' List & Final Events Scheduled During MICANVAS'06 at MICA
October 27-29, 2006


For all the quizzers out there MICANVAS '06 offers three quizzes including "Business Barons" - The Business Quiz; "Inquizition" - The Trivia Quiz and "Casting Couch" - The Entertainment Quiz, apart from informal quizzes to be conducted throughout the three days of the festival.

"Sell Hell" - The Hard-sell Game from Hell; "Last Man(ager) Standing" - Surivival of the Fittest; "Khoj" - The Midnight Treasure Hunt; and "Slide Rules" - Impromptu Presentations by participants, are new additions to the plethora of events in MICANVAS every year. The events will be interspersed with workshops on Integrated Marketing Communication, Film Studies and Salsa Dance.

After pitting against each other to crack complicated marketing problems during the day, the live concerts by rock bands "Euphoria" and "The Indian Ocean" lined up for two days of MICANVAS '06 will make sure that the participants forget about everything else and let their hair down in the evenings.

Student participants at the three-day event will come from, amongst other institutes, the IIMs, FMS, ISB, MDI, TAPMI, IMT, IIFT, XLRI, XIMB, JBIMS and IIT-SoMs. Apart from the top-of-the-line B-schools, MICA has for the first time invited select undergraduate colleges as well.

For all those of you who thrive on challenges, who want to be a part of the roller-coaster without batting an eyelid, who live for the ride and not the destination, all roads lead to MICANVAS. The quest for the very best has begun!!!

Contact Details

For any further details of the event, you can get in touch with: -
Minu Agarwal: 09979229182
Team Interface
Abhiruchi Tiwary: 09825980975
Vipin Nair: 09824009874

MICANVAS 2006 Website:


Related Links: -
+ MICA to Organize MICANVAS '06, the Annual Brand Management Festival

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Contributed by -
Team Interface,
Mudra Institute of Communications, Ahmedabad (MICA).

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