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'Insights' Lecture Series at XIMB Hosts Vishal Mehra, VP-Asia Pacific, Office Tiger

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'Insights' Lecture Series at XIMB Hosts Vishal Mehra, VP-Asia Pacific, Office Tiger


"If we were to pick each one for discussion now we'd be here all night. I'm going to pick a few for us to talk about," He stressed upon four things a prospective middle manager should do in order to increase his employability- invest in yourself, know yourself, be aware of yourself, and above all to believe your own self to be true.

"Reading the financial papers end-to-end every day is not preparation enough for the corporate world. The degree/diploma isn't an end, it's a beginning. Being qualified for a job is no longer a strong enough reason to get it. As a manager you will have to have a proper client interface. Are you prepared? Communication is an integral part of a manager's job, can you communicate effectively? The bottom line here is that as a leader of the people please present yourself also as a leader of the business," said Mr. Mehra.

Then he went on to emphasize upon what he meant by 'know yourself' i.e. what exactly do you want from life? For a company to find a right-fit job for you, you need to have a proper shape. I know what to do with a round peg and where to slot a square peg, but do you know what kind of peg you are? The bottom line here is: If you don't know what you want to do, how on earth are we expected to know?

"Be aware of yourself- do a personal SWOT. Then do it again and this time preserve it. Repeat the exercise every six months. You aren't a vegetable, you evolve daily. Know your strengths and build on them. Know your weaknesses and acknowledge them. Don't hide weaknesses, we all have them and expect you to have them too. Forget the failure just remember the learning. The bottom line here is to admit a failure and move on. We've all failed before. We assess you on what you make of the setbacks", said Mr. Mehra.

Finally he pointed that the qualification from any institution is a blank cheque and it can be en-cashed not just once but a couple of times. The opportunity for fast-track growth is very real. He urged the budding managers to plan and play for the long term and develop their own visions.

The talks concluded with a number of interesting queries that arose in the question-answer session. Here he further elaborated the points he had already made during his discourse. About 250 students attended the discussion.


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Contributed by -
Rohit Arya,
Member, Illuminatix
PR & Media Cell
Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar.

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