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Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Urges XIMB Students to Bring Change in Society

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Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Urges XIMB Students to Bring Change in Society


"The contribution of Art of Living Foundation to the society is immense in different spheres like campaigning for peace, counselling, bringing people to the negotiating table. By using ancient techniques, he has brought out thousands of people from depression and helped them in overcoming suicidal tendencies," said Fr. Abraham.

During the talk, Guruji described India as a continent in itself. "We are so diverse but still we are united. We need to maintain this diversity. Usually, managers wish to see uniformity, but they should acknowledge the diversity present as well," he explained. He urged students to keep themselves away from community, religious and gender prejudices. Guruji reiterated the need for communication without barriers for budding managers. He said, "Unless you become a part of the people, you can't manage them. One has to learn how to be one with them."

Addressing a major concern of the students relating to maintaining work-life balance and remaining stress-free, Guruji emphasized the need of spirituality in the corporate world. He averred that our breathing system controls the brain and neural impulses and by adhering to simple breathing exercises, we can indeed keep ourselves composed and free from fatigue and stress.

He particularly urged the students of the Rural Management Programme at XIMB to be sensitive to the rural ways of life. "We don't need to change the rural way of life. We need to honour the rural people and reinforce their confidence," he insisted.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar blessed all and wished students success in their endeavours.


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Contributed by -
Team IlluminatiX,
PR & Media Cell,
Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar.

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