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K J Somaiya to Organize Annual Inter-Collegiate Cultural Festival 'M�lange 2007'

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K J Somaiya to Organize Annual Inter-Collegiate Cultural Festival 'M�lange 2007'
March 09-10, 2007


Semi-Formal Events

Shock Talk
It calls you to think on your feet, to beat the pressure, to be witty and sharp. It's an event which stimulates your grey cells and gives you the opportunity to showcase your spontaneity.
Random slides, cartoon clippings, movie clips, Be prepared for anything and battling the way through to the top would become our champion shock talker.

Silence is golden and actions speak louder than words. This event isn't just your run-of-the-mill dumb charades. With its twists and turns, new exciting rounds, it's sure to make you 'dumbfounded'. It guarantees a whole lot of fun and assures the best of creativity at display. Welcome to the land of the 'unspoken'!!!

Ad Versed
"Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising," - Mark Twain. So here is your opportunity to think out of the box, to portray your best selling skills, to test your creative skills and push it to the edge. An event which would test the best marketer amongst you, one who would be able to sell the best, advertise the best, and in the end, market your product the best...

If you think you can speak well, then think again!!! Here is an event which tests your very fundamentals of the spoken English Language. An event wherein you have to speak without an error for a minute and to top it all on a topic which would not even make sense to you... May the best speaker wins!!!

Informal Events

Bol Bollywood
Here is an event which would test all your 'fundas' on the land of entertainment... Movies, movies and more movies, and something more from the land of the small screen too... Here is an invitation from the land of the gliteratti, the land of creativity, the land of entertainment...

Sing to the tunes of Bollywood. An age-old game which refuses to lose its charm... Here's some old wine in a new bottle with a dash of 'masti' added on to it... So sing along and sing a song...


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