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IIM Calcutta to Conduct Workshop on "VLSI Interconnect Routing in the Nanometric Regime"

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IIM Calcutta to Conduct Workshop on "VLSI Interconnect Routing in the Nanometric Regime"
On January 19, 2008

A one-day workshop titled "VLSI Interconnect Routing in the Nanometric Regime" under the auspices of a DIT-funded Research Project in the institute is to be held on Saturday, January 19, 2008 at Tata Hall, IIMC campus. The Minister-in-Charge of Dept of Information Technology, Govt. of West Bengal, would inaugurate the event.


The tiny chips are the basic components of every electronic device that performs wonders in our daily life. These chips, each of which can carry more than a million small transistors embedded in a single wafer, are called integrated circuits. Every chip has a highly complex, one or more electronic circuits embedded within it. For appropriate operation of these chips, these circuits within the chips have to be interconnected with electrical lines, almost similar to the electrical connections that we find in our homes and offices. Due to the extremely tiny size of the circuits (of the order of few nano-meters), they are technically termed as Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits or, in short, VLSI circuits. The interconnection of the miniaturized electronic circuits in the chips is technically known as Interconnect routing.

Design of such miniaturized circuits is almost a next to impossible task without the help of automation and software design tools. Due to the extremely high requirements of precision and accuracy, the software tools available in market are costly, say of the order of few thousand dollars. Owing to the availability of bright but cheap human resource, India is recently witnessing a boom in the design automation industry. Several design automation giants like Intel, Motorola, Mentor Graphics, Synopsis, and Texas Instruments have already opened their research and development centers in India. Many more are about to come. In recent times, there are several start-ups in West Bengal, and some of these multi-nationals have either opened are about to open their development centers here.

In a recent survey by Indian Semiconductor Association, it has been observed that there is an acute shortage of capable manpower for the VLSI industry in India. As such, there is an acute need for proper training and development of such manpower. This workshop is a direct outcome of such need. It is funded by a Research Project from Department of IT, Govt. of India, and is hosted by IIM Calcutta.

Contact Details

For further details, please contact: -
Aloke Guin,
Indian Institute Of Management Calcutta,
Joka, Diamond Harbour Road,
Kolkata - 700104.
Phone: 033-24678300-8306, 24677851 (Extn: 187)
Mobile: 9883126494


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