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JBIMS-Mumbai Celebrates 'Nestle Day' on its Campus

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JBIMS-Mumbai Celebrates 'Nestle Day' on its Campus

JBIMS celebrated Nestle Day on its campus on 24th December 2007. It saw tremendous participation from the students at JBIMS and was a grand event. A brain-child of the JBIMS Placement Committee and Nestle, this event took the relationship of JBIMS with Nestle to a new high.
Students got an opportunity to showcase their talent and Nestle got a glimpse of its future managers and leaders.

Nestle Day gave the students a chance to step into the shoes of Nestle brand managers by putting to test their theoretical knowledge. The challenge was to design a communication campaign for Nestlé's mega brand Kit Kat. Titled 'Kit Kat Kampus', this event urged participants to let loose their creativity and prepare a campaign to make Kit Kat an iconic brand for the Indian youth. It all started with a brief issued by Nestle which set the objective of the whole exercise. Teams were required to submit their entries and ideas to the Nestle team. Five out of the many entries were chosen to present their campaign in front of dignitaries from Nestle, JWT and Zenith.

Before the event started, one of the senior brand managers of Nestle presented the audience with expert perspectives which ranged from the objective of the competition to how it is actually done in the industry and 360 degree campaigns. She enumerated the process involved in creating a successful campaign and ended by congratulating all the participants and appreciating their commitment, level of work and creativity.

The finalists then presented their ideas one by one to a great response from the audience and panel alike. After a highly competed final, this part of Nestle Day came to an end.

The next session involved a guest lecture from Mr. S. N. Narayanan, MD, Nestle Singapore. As he himself put it, it focused on the 'non glamourous' but extremely important aspect of distribution systems in marketing and was titled 'Managing the Cutting Edge: The Last Mile to the Consumer'.

Starting with Porters Model, Mr. S. N. Narayanan introduced the enthralled audience to the Red ocean and Blue ocean approach. Being a practicing sales manager himself for many years, he provided the audience with the 'cutting edge' about sales and distribution and gave them totally new perspectives. He talked about the evolution of distribution systems and how to efficiently structure a distribution system.


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Contributed by -
The Corporate Relations Committee,
Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai.

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