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XLRI Finance Summit '08 Ends with Grand Success

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XLRI Finance Summit '08 Ends with Grand Success
Post-event Press-release

XLRI Jamshedpur in association with the Institute of Cost & Works Accountants of India (ICWAI) organized the "XLRI Finance Seminar '08". Conducted and arranged by FINAX, the Finance Association at XLRI, the seminar provided an insight to
management students about different aspects of Risk Management, a topic of utmost relevance in the present day business scenario.

Various dignitaries came together on a common stage and enriched the discussions with their vast experience and vision. The dignitaries included Dr. A. K. Sarkar, Director (Finance) - Central Coalfields Limited, Mr. N. K. Mishra, Group Head (Mergers & Acquisitions) - Tata Steel, Mr. Robin Roy, Associate Director - PricewaterhouseCoopers, Mr. C. E. S. Azariah, CEO - FIMMDA, Shri D. Ravishankar, Ex. Director, Investment & Risk Management - CRISIL, Dr. Venkatachalam, Ex. Director - Bangalore Stock Exchange. Delegates from Tata Steel, ICWAI and students from ICWAI also attended the seminar.

Dignitaries Lighting Inaugural Lamp of Finance Summit at XLRI Jamshedpur

"This seminar exposed the management students and other participants present, about the various specialized activities related to risk management," said Dr. Gourav Vallabh, an eminent XLRI faculty from the finance area.

The inaugural address was given by the guest of honour, Mr. Chandra Wadhwa, President - ICWAI, while Dr. A. K. Sarkar, Director (Finance) - CCL, the chief guest for the seminar, delivered the keynote address.


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Contributed by -
Akshay Sinha,
External Linkages,
XLRI, Jamshedpur.

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