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IIM Calcutta Scholars' Research Papers Publish in Top International Journals

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IIM Calcutta Scholars' Research Papers Publish in Top International Journals

In tune with the interest of the IIM-C community and the Board of Governors in the achievements of its Fellow Programme students, IIM-C is happy to share some of the scholarly achievements in very recent time of two of its students: Raveendra Chittoor and Sumita Ketkar.

Raveendra Chittoor: An FPM student from Strategic Management Group who recently defended his thesis successfully. While still a student of the doctoral program at IIM-C, Raveendra published a number of papers in peer-reviewed international journals such as Family Business Review (Blackwell), Journal of International Management (Elsevier Science) & Organization Science (Informs), and conference papers in peer-reviewed international conferences such as Academy of Management Annual Meeting in 2006 and 2007 and Academy of International Business Annual Meeting in 2006, and won a few prestigious awards. A special mention may be made of two of Raveendra's accomplishments: -

  1. A paper by Raveendra titled "'Third-World Copycats' to 'Emerging Multinationals': Institutional Changes & Organizational Transformation in the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry" has been accepted for publication by Organization Science. Raveendra is the first ever doctoral student from India to get an acceptance in Organization Science, one of the highest rated journals across all management disciplines. He is perhaps one among the rare breed of management scholars based out of India who had an acceptance in Organization Science.

  2. Raveendra was adjudged winner of the SAMS / AIB Award for the Best Doctoral Dissertation Proposal at the Academy of International Business Annual Meeting 2006 in Beijing. He was the first ever doctoral candidate from India to win this highly prestigious Award. Earlier years, the awardees were students from HBS, Wharton, INSEAD, etc.

Sumita Ketkar: A paper entitled, "HR Flexibility & Firm Performance: Analysis of a Multi-Level Causal Model" by Sumita Ketkar (co-author), a Fellow Programme Student of the HR Group, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, has been accepted by "The International Journal of Human Resource Management" (IJHRM) for publication.

IJHRM is ranked internationally among the top journals covering all the disciplines of business management and it features in The Financial Times list of top international journals in the field of management. Ms. Ketkar has successfully defended her thesis recently. The above article is an extract from her thesis work. Acceptance of her article for publication by a prestigious international journal like IJHRM bears testimony to the quality of research done by Ms. Ketkar.


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Contributed by -
Aloke Guin,
IIM Calcutta.

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