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Tata Crucible-Campus Quiz Witnesses Highest-ever Participation for a Business Quiz in India

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Tata Crucible-Campus Quiz Witnesses Highest-ever Participation for a Business Quiz in India


Besides, the increased number of teams, the quiz has also raised the benchmarks in terms of the quality and standards of quizzing. It is amazing to see the enthusiasm of teams who travel from nearby cities other than the 12 cities, to participate in the quiz."

Year on year, the participating teams give Tata Crucible campus quiz a new stature and magnitude. The preparations by teams are undertaken months in advance and this is apparent from questions, which were cracked by the teams. The teams battled it out by the skin of their teeth to triumph, bringing out their passion in quizzing.

The quiz lived up to its reputation and this year introduced a new format of quizzing called ‘Nano Quizzing’ giving the Indian youth a refreshing new way to stimulate their minds. The new concept has been termed as ‘Nano’ since the word Nano means 'One Billionth' and in many ways a Tata Crucible Champion is 'One in a Billion', considering that it is a highly coveted title in Indian Business Quizzing and the winner comes through amongst large number of contestants. Also, the youth today refer to Nano in the context of speed - which is an important attribute required in quizzing and is a hallmark of Tata Crucible Campus Quiz 2008.

The Tata Crucible - Campus Quiz 2008 commenced its regional rounds in the city of Hyderabad on February 3, 2008 and, thereafter, journeyed through to Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Lucknow, Kochi, Indore, Bangalore, Kolkata, Chandigarh, Delhi, Chennai to conclude the regional rounds in Pune on March 9, 2008. Each regional winning team was awarded a cash prize of Rs. 60,000 and host of other exciting prizes. The runner-up teams were also given a cash prize of Rs. 30,000 and other prizes. The eventual national winner would profit by Rs. 2.6 Lakhs, while the total value of the prizes at stake is over Rs. 25 Lakhs including additional prizes by Tata Motors, Tata Steel, Tata Asset Management, Tata Indicom and Ginger Hotels.


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Contributed by -
Manpreet Singh / Atul Dwivedi,
Vaishnavi Corporate Communications.

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