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ISB Celebrates Graduation Day of Class of 2008 as 422 Students Pass Out

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ISB Celebrates Graduation Day of Class of 2008 as 422 Students Pass Out

The Indian School of Business (ISB) celebrated the Graduation Day of the Class of 2008 at its campus today. The class comprising 422 students were awarded Certificates for the successful completion of the Post Graduate Programme in Management, at the Graduation Day ceremony.

Present at the occasion was the Chief Guest, K. P. Singh, Chairman of the Board, DLF Ltd. He handed over the certificates to students in black gowns ornamented with the school colour. Witnessing the historic moment in the audience, were the eminent Board members, Thomas Robertson, Dean of The Wharton School, faculty, parents, friends, and relatives of the students.

The mood at the graduation ceremony gathering spelled gaiety, delight, and enthusiasm. M. Rammohan Rao, Dean ISB, congratulated the Class of 2008 on successfully completing the Post Graduate Programme in Management, and said, "I want you to remember that learning does not end here. It continues through out life."

M. Rammohan Rao, Dean, ISB, K. P. Singh, Chairman of the Board, DLF Ltd, Rajat Gupta, Chairman, ISB at Graduation Day of Class of 2008

"You are very lucky for this is the time of great opportunities. As you go forward, remember when opportunity does not knock on your door, you can build the door. Not only can you build the door for yourself, you can open doors for many," he added.

The ISB being ranked 20 among top B-schools globally, by Financial Times, London, is but one step in the journey of achieving the vision of ISB to be a world class B-school. Speaking to the audience, Thomas Robertson, Dean, The Wharton School said, "I congratulate ISB for achieving incredible success in such a short time. I look forward to many years of collaboration with the ISB to generate quality research, especially on emerging market issues."


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Contributed by -
Ms. Bhuvana Ramalingam,
Director - Communications,
Indian School of Business, Hyderabad.

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