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Great Lakes Institute, Chennai Holds Convocation for PGPM Batch 2008 & EMBA Batch

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Great Lakes Institute, Chennai Holds Convocation for PGPM Batch 2008 & EMBA Batch


"Your success is going to depend on how well you can manage change - and companies will expect you to demonstrate leadership from day one, not in the due course of time." In the current context, companies would also expect their new employees to be willing to
shoulder risk.

Mr. Raju urged the students to be goal-oriented. "That does not mean fixating on your goal and going on to auto-pilot," he said, "Instead, it's more like driving on Indian roads. If you take your eye off the road for one instant, you will end up in an accident."

The toppers received their awards followed by the graduates who received their certificates.


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Contributed by -
Ashutosh Chaudhary,
Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai.

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