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Godrej Ties-up with IIM Indore to Train Management Trainees

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Godrej Ties-up with IIM Indore to Train Management Trainees

A re-invigorated Godrej Group of Industries, with a legacy of excellence, has partnered with IIM Indore, an institute of excellence, for a customised General Management Training Programme, which aims to equip the participants with skills,
perspectives and ideas on the best of modern practices in business management. The program, which will witness the use of innovative and multi-modal pedagogy, has a stated motive of catalysing a transformation within each participant.

This program also marks another milestone in IIM Indore's effort and investment into broadening the scope and range of its course offerings. This one-month and twenty days intensive 250-hour need-based customized interactive General Management Programme aims to enhance each participant's general management skills as it combines leading edge research with interactive exercises, simulations, case studies, and role-plays. It is being conducted under the aegis of executive management programs department and consists of intellectual property made for specific and exclusive use of Godrej Group. It features lectures, interactive discussions, and case studies supplemented by group exercises, role-plays, classroom simulations, games, training videos and discussions of real life business issues to try and engage participants as comprehensively as possible and reliable.

As the programme makes exceptional intellectual and emotional demands, participants were advised to study the provided material with an inquiring mind with a high degree of adaptability and maturity to accept new ideas and be open to change. At the end of the programme, are scheduled intensive integrated workplace implementation discussions involving project presentations that are designed to aid participants in consolidating their learning from various modules of the programme and formulate a credible workplace implementation plans.

Key benefits, as expected and set to be delivered, are that participants will learn how to use management concepts and principles to achieve organizational goals; Combine skill building with the exploration of new business theories and practices; Contribute to efficient problem solving, solution development, and business management; Use new management strategies for achieving business success; Build teams and keep teams on track; Lead successful business initiatives and use vital team building and leadership skills to contribute effectively to company's growth plan.

Godrej is in the midst of internal re-invention as a part of its vision to contribute to and benefit from the Indian growth story and increasingly integrated world economy. It undertook this program in partnership with IIM Indore, in a considerable measure, for nurturing future leaders by empowering them to successfully deal with the challenging work responsibilities, and high standards which they are expected to embrace when working for any of the diverse business interests of the Godrej Group.


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Contributed by -
Gaurav Gupta,
Media & Public Relations Committee,
IIM Indore.

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