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SIOM, Nashik Celebrates its Foundation Day with Fanfare

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SIOM, Nashik Celebrates its Foundation Day with Fanfare

Symbiosis Institute of Operations Management (SIOM), situated in Nashik, one of the premier institutes under Symbiosis International University (SIU), celebrated its 4th Foundation Day with fanfare on June 11, 2008. The institute started its
journey three years back on this very day. The event was graced with the benign presence of the honorable Vice Chancellor of Symbiosis International University, Dr. M. S. Raste. On this occasion students from 2006-08 batch of the institute were felicitated, also individual awards were conferred to the batch topper, merit holders of Six Sigma certification, APICS Certification and SAP course.

Dr. Vandana Sonwaney, Acting Director, SIOM, vowed her token of respect to Dr. Raste and presented the annual report of the institute for academic year 2007-08 highlighting the key achievements of the institute which included commencing of two new professional courses, viz., Advanced Diploma in Manufacturing Management and Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management, hosting of 11th International Conference of Society of Operations Management, organizing various managerial and cultural events like Tattv '07: 2nd National Operations Summit and Drishti '08: Annual B-School Fest. She added that SIOM had been instrumental in organizing Management Development Programs for executives of various companies including Bosch, Coca-Cola and many more corporate in and around Nashik.

The event was concluded with inspiring words of Dr. Raste in which he asked all the SIOMites to bring poise to the flag of the prestigious Symbiosis International University. He also boosted the morale of the students by announcing scholarships to the rank holders.

Foundation Day Celebrated at SIOM, Nashik

Earlier, on the eve of the Foundation Day, students of the 2008-2010 batch of SIOM organized a cultural program for their alumni. The program was full of multi-fold talent unleashing performances by the students.


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Contributed by -
Varun Jindal (Campus Associate),
MBA (Operations Management) - Class of 2010,
Symbiosis Institute of Operations Management (SIOM), Nashik.

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