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Narayan Ramchandran, Director, Morgan Stanley, Addresses IIM Indore Students

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Narayan Ramchandran, Director, Morgan Stanley, Addresses IIM Indore Students

"It is very important to decide what to read and what not to read."

Mr. Narayan Ramchandran, Director of Morgan Stanley, addressed the Executive PGP and the PGP Batches of IIM Indore on the development of economics and the importance of reading for better development. The Executive PGP Program had
grown over the 10 years of existence of the institute and has grown to be one of the most widely-respected and sought-after programs by corporate India.

Starting off, Mr. Ramchandran stressed upon the importance of reading. He warned the audience not to get too occupied with career objectives and compromise on good selective reading. Having considered the fact that everyone understood the importance of reading, he went on to stress on what to read and what not to read. He filtered out certain books, newspapers and periodicals that were important in understanding the economic development of India and the world, and also advised on how to filter books and opinions for ourselves. According to him, every few years there come a moment when economics takes a little turn and that we were currently at one of those turns for India. As a result, it is very important for us to understand what the seminal books of economics are.

Mr. Narayan Ramchandran, Director of Morgan Stanley, Addressing Executive PGP & PGP Students of IIM Indore

The easiest and simplest way to learn might be the Wikipedia. But it may not be the best way to learn. But reading would probably be the easiest way to learn. Moreover, in the past 20 years, there has been so much change, that in order to grasp that change, one has to read. Current learning would evolve in the next 20 or 40 years. Therefore, it is very necessary that each has his or her own form of further education.


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Contributed by -
Gaurav Gupta,
Media & Public Relations Committee,
IIM Indore.

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