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IMI-Delhi Organizes Guest Lecture by Eminent Industry Representatives

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IMI-Delhi Organizes Guest Lecture by Eminent Industry Representatives on "HR Vs IR: What to Opt?"

After the rigorous education of two years and towards its completion, comes the 'D-DAY' - The Day of Placements for the students of HR discipline. Which organization to go for; which role to accept, and what life to choose, are just some of the questions that
engulf the mind of wannabe managers? With each role comes an attached weight of added responsibilities. The conflict in a future manager's mind arises when a choice has to be made between 'Comfort or Hardship', 'Luxurious Lifestyle or Struggle & Sweat'. To put in the jargon of our industry - 'Human Resource Management or Industry Relationship'. There is an omnipresent dilemma in the mind-set of specialized HR graduates to go for a 'white collared job' or the 'blue one'.

What is the reason behind this now almost universal dilemma? Why do the students see a distinction between the two? Which domain would give a holistic experience to the individual?

In order to seek answers to all these questions and more, International Management Institute, New Delhi under the able guidance of its distinguished Director, Prof. C. S. Venkatratnam, and Prof. N. N. Akhauri, organized a Guest Lecture by eminent representatives from the industry.

The esteemed speakers were: -

  • Mr. Rajeev Kapoor, Executive VP, JCB - India

  • Mr. Kishor Das, VP - HR & TQM, DCM Consolidate LTD.

  • Mr. Samarjeet Banerjee, Plant Head, Hero Honda

    From the time of inception of specialized course of PGDM-HR, IMI has always been very proactive in its intent to cater to the needs of the industry. Incorporating exhaustive guest lectures from the senior members of the industry as part of curriculum is an evident example of the honesty of this attempt. Within the very first week of the new academic session, the college organized this session to help students shape up their preferences from the beginning.

    To help students seek answers to their queries, Mr. Samarjeet Banerjee threw light on the meaning of the word 'Role' as applied in the context of an organization. He said, "Role is the reason to exist whereas Responsibility is the process and activities done while executing any role." In his presentation, he discussed on various traits like people, practices implemented, causes of motivation, Labor Laws Vs. Best Practices, etc., that HR & IR differ in. He also discussed at length on various topics like 'changed demands', 'quality driven industry, 'need of training and development', 'leadership', and so on.


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    * Contributed by -
    Neha Gupta,
    PGDMHR (2007-09),
    President - Media Cell,
    Editor - Arena,
    IMI, Delhi.

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