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Ranjan Das, a Pioneer in Management Strategy, Interacts with IMI-Delhi Students

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Ranjan Das, a Pioneer in Management Strategy, Interacts with IMI-Delhi Students


Boldly challenging the old ideas of management education, Prof. Das emphasized that a manager's job is not just getting things done but focusing on the four tenets of strategy, risk management, execution and leadership.

The high-point of the discussion came when he mentioned the Ten Golden Rules of Innovation for today's manager, some of which are - constantly raising the bar; having an elastic business definition; an underlying purpose behind the business; constantly updating oneself in tandem with the world of business; taking suggestions from everyone; setting aside funds for risky projects; having an open market for talent, ideas and technology flowing in from all sides; taking risks; and last but not the least, giving managers a part of the profit to give them a feel of ownership.

On a closing note, Prof. Das encouraged each and everyone of the students to challenge their own limitations as well as to push all existing limits and cautioned them to never get complacent about their achievements. He ended his enlightening discourse by comparing Life to a One Day International Cricket Match, "Tomorrow is another day and you are only as good as the last ball you play," leaving the students with a memorable quote and a lot of food for thought!


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Contributed by -
Neha Gupta,
PGDMHR (2007-09),
Head - PR Cell,
Editor Arena ,
IMI, New Delhi.

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