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MICA Launches its Annual Festival, MICANVAS 2008

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MICA Launches its Annual Festival, MICANVAS 2008
On October 23-25, 2008

Micanvas - the Annual Management Festival of MICA - attracts participation from the leading B-schools across India and abroad. The communications institute has announced the theme for this year's festival as, "The Transforming Triangle, Marketingenutiy in a 'Brand' New World".

Each year, Micanvas is centred on a theme that is indicative of present and future trends the country is witness to. With knowledge becoming a great leveller, it is giving birth to a new breed of modern consumers. Leading this evolution in India is the middle class. The middle class with its knowledge and the drive to go the distance is increasing at a tremendous pace. As a result, the wealth at the bottom of the pyramid is be-littling itself to the might of the rising middle class. To cater to this new breed, the marketing community is being forced to re-work its understanding of the traditional pyramid if it has to remain prepared for the awakening of this sleeping giant. It is this opportunity that Micanvas has chosen to address this year.

Making use of the digital expertise, understanding the consumer psyche, foraying into rural markets, bolstering retail practices, enabling newer forms of media and utilising many such other forums will go a long way in dictating the course of the progress of any industry! In keeping with these fast-changing trends, Micanvas - 'The Transforming Triangle, Marketingenutiy in a "Brand" New World' - promises to be a platform where thousands of aspiring young individuals will leave the beaten path to embrace success. It promises to be a celebration of the triumph of ingenuity over convention through the showcase of the evolution of marketing strategies in response to an informed consumer.

Micanvas 2008 will present several opportunities in the form of formal events, informal events and panel discussions for students from select B-schools, under-graduate colleges and universities abroad to showcase their ideas and innovations.

Not to be missed are Colloquium, an exclusive international day back for a second run after its resounding inaugural success during last year's Micanvas, and the Panel Discussion, which in the past has seen the likes of Mr. Santosh Desai (MD, Future Brands), Mr. T. S. Seshu (Head - Rural Marketing, ITC), Mr. Lloyd Mathias (Director - Marketing, Motorola), Mr. Raju Narisetti (Managing Editor, MINT), Mr. Tarun Katial (COO - BIG FM), Ms. Sonya Banerjee (Head - Marketing, Yahoo! India), Mr. L. V. Krishnan (CEO - TAM India), Mr. Madhukar Kamath (MD & CEO, Mudra Communications), Mr. Bhaskar Das (President, TOI Group), come over to the campus and engaged the audience in enthralling discussions revolving around the theme of the year.

Micanvas 2008 will be held on the 23rd, 24th & 25th of October this year at the MICA campus in Ahmadabad.


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Contributed by -
Deepti Naithani,
Head - PR & Media,
Team MICANVAS 2008,
Mudra Institute of Communications (MICA), Ahmedabad.

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