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Great Lakes 'Meet the Dean Session' Held at Mumbai & Chennai

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Great Lakes 'Meet the Dean Session' Held at Mumbai & Chennai

The admission events for Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai started last week. The first in the series of Meet the Dean Sessions was held at Mumbai on July 25 and at Chennai on July 26, 2008. Students in both the cities thronged the venues
and listened to Prof. Bala V. Balachandran, Founder & Honorary Dean, talk about the changes being introduced in the institute’s flagship program, the One Year PGPM (Post Graduate Program in Management).

Prof. Bala informed students that starting March 2009, Great Lakes will move to the new platinum rated campus that it has built along the scenic East Cost Road in Chennai. Consequently, the program will become fully residential. Announcing a 60% increase in intake from the academic year 2009-10, Prof. Bala said the next batch will have a strength of 260 as against the current intake of 162. Prof. Bala opined that after moving to the new campus, Great Lakes will be able to admit foreign students and host exchange students coming from around the world - both of which were so far consciously avoided due to infrastructure challenges.

Answering a volley of questions from the students, Prof. Bala drove home the value of a Great Lakes PGPM and spoke about the success of the institute’s alumni. Several alumni attended the session and interacted with prospective students. The next Meet the Dean Session is scheduled at Bangalore (9 August) followed by Hyderabad (15 August) and New Delhi (23 August).


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* Contributed by -
Ranjit Shankar (Campus Associate),
Class of 2009,
Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai.

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