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IIM-L Students Visit Government Inter-College for Blind on Independence Day

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IIM-L Students Visit Government Inter-College for Blind on Independence Day

Team Bhavishya, IIM Lucknow's student-run social initiative group, true to its motto of "A Smile for Every Face", organized a visit to the Government Inter College for Blind on Independence Day to celebrate the day with an often marginalized section of the society.

IIM-L Students Interacting with Students at Government Inter-College for Blind on Independence Day

Prof. D. S. Sengar, along with 22 students spent the afternoon with the students of the Inter-College. Having heard that the Inter-College students are avid music lovers, IIM Lucknow contributed musical instruments like Tabla and Harmonium to the College. The music enthusiasts of the college played song after song for the benefit of the visitors. Monika, a Bhavishya member, said, "It was a very enjoyable afternoon. The children at the college were always ready with a joke or song, with no dull moment in between. Fully acknowledging the occasion of the 61st Independence Day, the students showed how passionate they are for India, as patriotic songs out-numbered the peppy numbers. The children might have lost their eye-sight, but they have their vision intact."

Bhavishya, the social initiative committee of IIM Lucknow, undertakes research in the social sector, to finance and monitor projects targeted at the under-privileged strata of the social pyramid by leveraging the unique competencies of the students of IIM Lucknow. It also works on consulting projects with various voluntary organizations. Over the years, it has emerged as one of the largest social action group run by students. In the past, there have been more than 1500 beneficiaries of the Bhavishya activities. The students of IIM Lucknow truly are committed to the cause of economic empowerment of the country, as evidenced on the occasion of Independence Day.


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Contributed by -
Divya Chandran K.,
Media Relations,
IIM Lucknow.

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