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NITIE-Mumbai to Organize Envision '08

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NITIE-Mumbai to Organize Envision '08
On August 20, 2008

"Environmental Vision for the Managers of Tomorrow" - this was the idea with which Envision was conceived. It is an event organized by the PGDISEM students of NITIE with the intent of providing a common platform for the Industry and the participating
Institutes to discuss current environmental issues. In the current market scenario, environment management is the prime focus of the industry and this is where every corporate wants to distinguish itself. Envision provides a platform to precisely do that.

Envision is basically a confluence of knowledge from many corporate firms that are into sustainable management. Envision creates awareness about best sustainability practices from the market leaders themselves. Envision 2008 aims at hosting the best from across the country's business schools and corporate houses contributing towards achieving sustainable growth, profits, eco-friendly processes and products with optimal utilization of the resources. Envision extracts the ebullience of youth and moulds them under the experience of the corporate, thereby creating world class environmental managers.

Event Details

Envision '08 will be held on August 20, 2008 at Hotel Orchid (5 Star Ecotel), SantaCruz, Mumbai with the support of CII, ITC, CESD (Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Development).

Envision '08 will host the following events: -

  • A Panel Discussion - Topic "Does Sustainability Present a True Business Case?"

  • A Case Study Competition - Focused on socially responsible practices and products (Will be floated nation-wide across all the B-schools).

  • A Quiz Competition - With emphasis on environment and sustainability.

    Panel Discussion

    NITIE, in association with CII-CESD, brings a Panel Discussion as a part of Envision '08. Through this Panel Discussion, it intends to bring awareness about sustainable development, its advantages and issues relating to it.

    In Environment Forum, eminent speakers are invited from the industry to present and share their views on a topic that closely knits business and sustainability.

    The focus of the Panel Discussion will be on "Profitability of Sustainable Business Practices" with special emphasis on: -


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