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Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam's Address During XIV Convocation of NITIE, Mumbai

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Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam's Address During XIV Convocation of NITIE, Mumbai
Theme: "National Challenges for Industrial Engineering"
On 16 August 2008


New technology is needed in agricultural area from seeds to cultivation to the grain, food processing and marketing. This entire chain will enable employment particularly in rural areas in a big way.

Infrastructure: India is aspiring to build hundred million homes within next ten years. The infrastructure development in metropolitan and Tier-2 cities needs to be enhanced in the form of new bridges, airports, marketing complexes, and industrial units. 40% of the rural areas need to be covered with all weather roads; we need to double the present national highways ratio for the 100 square kilometer area. Simultaneously, we are in the process of developing ports, railway systems and airports. For example, the Indian Construction Industry employs over 31 million people for its asset generating activity of over Rs. 3,10,000 Crore, which includes expenditure of Rs. 2,00,000 Crore incurred by the Government. This will need development of specialized quality human resource in all the spectrum of construction activity. This task will need re-orientation of our education system for generating world class skills among the youth.

Energy: Energy Independence is our national goal. We are determined to achieve this within the next 25 years, i.e., by the year 2030. When our population may touch 1.4 Billion people, demand from power sector will increase from the existing 145,000 MW to about 400,000 MW. This assumes an energy growth rate of 5% per annum. Electric power generation in India now accesses four basic energy sources: Fossil Fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal; Hydro-Electricity; Nuclear Power; and Renewable Energy Sources such as bio-fuels, solar, bio-mass, wind and ocean. We need a major thrust in solar energy (55,000 MW) and wind energy (64,000 MW), nuclear energy (50,000 MW), hydro power sources (66,000 MW) and bio-mass and municipal waste (20,000 MW). For the transportation sector, we have to concentrate on bio-diesel, ethanol and emulsified fuel.

Safe Drinking Water: Over 50% people do not have safe drinking water in India. We are in the process of embarking on the major mission of "Interlinking of Rivers" in the nation and the state-wide creation of 'Waterways' which will act as a reservoir to accommodate flood-water and enhance the irrigation, navigation and tourism.

Healthcare: India is in the mission of 'Health for All' programme and 'Vision 2020' for eye care. It provides tremendous opportunity in the primary, secondary and tertiary healthcare. We are also in the mission of establishing tele-medicine centers in the Primary Health Centre of 2 Lakh panchayats through connectivity mission via Satellite, Terrestrial and Wireless links. We have to enhance the nutrition aspects of all citizens, particularly women and children, and also provide 100% sanitary facilities in homes, schools and other public places.


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Contributed by -
Shreya Bhattacharya,
Student Media Cell - IMpress,
Media & PR Cell,
NITIE Business School, Mumbai.

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