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SPJIMR-Mumbai & CROMA Offer Post Graduate Professional Program in Retail Management

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SPJIMR-Mumbai & CROMA Offer Post Graduate Professional Program in Retail Management

Croma - the electronic mega-store - a part of the prestigious Tata Group is offering a Post Graduate Professional Program in Retail Management in association with Bhavan’s Centre for Inter-Disciplinary Studies (BCIDS), under
the academic guidance of S. P. Jain Institute of Management & Research, Mumbai, the leading premier institute.

A unique course on Retail Management, conducted by the best in industry, has been carefully structured to give an all-round perspective of the retail world. Not only does it equip you with key skills required for a successful career in retail, but also helps you understand retail first-hand, through practical exposure.

Commenting on the occasion Mr. Ajit Joshi, CEO & MD, Infiniti Retail Ltd., said, "Today, the Indian retail industry is evolving at a fast pace and offers you great, never before, career opportunities. With the spurt of shopping malls and departmental stores, huge employment opportunities are opening up in India and abroad. There is an unprecedented demand for retail management professionals, who can contribute to the success of an enterprise, both at the individual and industry levels. There are plenty of openings in the retail sector. This should augur well for the 50 million-strong graduate population in the country. And today, considering the tremendous growth of the sector, retail management has emerged as one of the fastest growing careers in the country."

He further added, "Being a people-oriented business, it is essential that anybody interested in having a long stint in retail must have key skills. In this scenario, we at Infiniti Retail Ltd. are leaving no stone unturned to gear up and provide an international retailing experience in India. It can only be achieved if we train and develop a team of young, talented and confident individuals, backed with a commitment of knowledge and expertise from BCIDS, under the academic guidance of the prestigious S. P. Jain Institute of Management & Research. This association aims to equip students with specialised skills and prepare them for employment in the extremely competitive retail industry."

The course is divided between 7 months of class-room training and 4 months of operational on-the-job training at Croma’s various stores across the country. The minimum eligibility for the course is Graduate in any stream and the admission procedure will be conducted by IRL HR. The course content is agreed upon between IRL and BCIDS.

With an employment opportunity with Croma at the end of the course, it would provide a perfect opportunity to kick-start a promising career in retail.


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