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Panel Discussion on "Should Business Move Beyond Competition" Held at XIM-Bhubaneshwar

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Panel Discussion on "Should Business Move Beyond Competition" Held at XIM-Bhubaneshwar

In its pursuit for exploring the current paradigms in the business world, the students of Non-Competitive Strategy of Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneshwar, organized a Panel Discussion on "Should Business Move Beyond Competition", under the guidance
of course faculty, Dr. Amar K. J. R. Nayak. "The purpose of the discussion is to question the variables that are believed to be the foundation of competitive strategies that firms and management theories have adopted since ages, and also questions the modified inclusive strategies that firms have been adopting in the recent years," said Dr. Amar Nayak, who also moderated the discussion. The eminent panelists were from diverse field of expertise, viz., spirituality, pure science, law, art, administration, & NGO.

Mr. N. K. Mishra, Senior Advocate, Cuttack High Court, while speaking on competition, asked, "Whom shall we compete with - among our peers or higher goals?" On the possibility of a more collaborative framework, Swamini Atmaprajnananda Saraswati, an XIMB alumnus who after serving as leading banker in Middle East turned a Sanyasin, said, "Only the Self-Actualized can contribute positively to the system."

Eminent Panelists from Diverse Field of Expertise Taking Part in Panel Discussion at XIM, Bhubaneshwar

Mr. D. K. Mishra, Founder - President, Association for India's Development Australia Inc, gave fine examples of how the collaborative models work in Scandinavian countries and Amul Cooperative Society, while Dr. Biju Shekhar, Scientist at Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, brought to light the nature of competition in field of science. Mr. Abasar Beuria, Retired Indian Foreign Service Officer, spoke about the nature of firms in the countries he served. Dr. Ileana Citaristi, renowned Odissi Dancer & Padmashree Award Winner, added, "Competition can only be fair if there is self regulation," and further asked, "Why should we compete, for profit or passion," and said that competition should be more for passion than profit.

Having discussed the competitive and inclusive strategies in business and their basic tenets such as efficiency, control, technology, capital, economies of scale, the students and faculty involved in the course have been seeking to explore new dimensions for a more sustainable and humane business models. The panel discussion was a part of this exercise and journey of exploration.


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Contributed by -
Team Illuminatix,
Media and PR Cell,
Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar.

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