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XIMB & NIS L.I.V.E. Bring PG Certificate in Business Management for Working Professionals

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XIMB & NIS L.I.V.E. Bring PG Certificate in Business Management for Working Professionals


Highlighting the key aspects of PGCBM, Fr. (Dr.) P. T. Joseph, SJ, Director, XIMB, said, "This course is not only a high-end, value-added management programme for the working executives but also fulfills their aspiration for management education,
which ultimately boosts their career development. The PGCBM course of XIMB is a robust academic programme with strong focus on learning key concepts of business management which further provides a working executive with the right platform for implementing his or her business ideas and initiatives in a more structured and focused framework." He further added, "XIMB with its world class faculty and rich academic resources, backed by a strong 24X7 online learning environment would facilitate the ideal grooming of a working executive into a knowledgeable and skilled business manager of the 21st century."

The 1 year course costing Rs. 1,50,000/- will be provided through video-conferencing to working executives across India. The fees is payable in 3 installments and the participants will have an option to avail education loan from HDFC Bank for the purpose of the course.

Fr. (Dr.) P. T. Joseph, Director, XIM-B, Addressing the Students

The cost of the PGCBM prospectus is Rs. 1000. The applicant can obtain the PGCBM prospectus from the nearest NIS L.I.V.E. Centre in person or from the PGCBM Office, XIM, Bhubaneswar by giving a demand draft of Rs. 1000/-. The application can also be downloaded from XIMB website and completed applications shall be submitted to Xavier Institute of Management, PGCBM Office, Xavier Square, Bhubaneswar - 751013, India or at the nearest NIS L.I.V.E. Centre with a draft of Rs. 1000/-.

Upon the submission of the completed application form, a candidate shall have to appear for an online Admission Test. The final selection shall be based on the Test Results, the candidate's academic performance, evaluation of statement of purpose, and his relevant work experience. The selected candidates shall be informed by e-mail and a list shall also be put up at all the authorized centers.


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Contributed by -
Team IlluminatiX,
Media & PR Cell,
Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar.

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