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Goa Institute of Management Organizes Annual National Conference, 'Samriddhi 2008'

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Goa Institute of Management Organizes Annual National Conference, 'Samriddhi 2008'


These include Waste Management, which will take a deeper look at managing kitchen, sewage and waste managed by the hospitality industry, Green Power which would consist of wind and solar energy and green ports and airports. The conference will also analyse the role
of green architecture in today's world with special emphasis on eco-tourism and the need for green housing in the future.

Global Warming is a serious concern today. Spreading awareness about the ill-effects of global warming and finding ways to reduce its effects and help preserve our natural resources for future generations is the only solution to this growing concern. In light of the situation, the global corporate industry and governments across the globe are taking steps to reduce dependence on traditional resources which are feared to be depleting steadily or are polluting in nature. In addition, business houses are adopting a more socially-conscious, eco-friendly approach.

Commenting on the initiative taken up by the students, Mr. Alan D' Souza, Director of GIM, said, "Samriddhi is entirely a student-driven initiative which the institute is happy to support. We, at Goa Institute of Management, are extremely proud of our students who, in addition to gaining management skills, are embracing social issues as well. Our endeavour at GIM is not only to create effective managers but to create socially-responsible professionals who will positively impact the lives of people. To us, this initiative is more then a theme, it's a process."


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Student Public Relations Cell,
Goa Institute of Management.

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