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Corporate Big-Wigs Converge at Great Lakes Institute for Human Resource Conclave

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Corporate Big-Wigs Converge at Great Lakes Institute for Human Resource Conclave
Post-event Press-release


In the post-lunch session, Shri Prem Chand Gupta, Hon'ble Union Minister for Corporate Affairs, talked about India being a young nation with large cultural diversity and a diverse talent base, which is difficult to find anywhere else. He said that a country rich in natural resources may not be prosperous financially, and it may be possible otherwise, quoting Japan as a case. Such countries have good human capital base. Economic development in these countries has been preceded by the Human Capital development. He opined, "Companies today have the capabilities to source human capital in which India has an advantage because of its large human capital base."

Mr. Prem Chand Gupta, Hon'ble Union Minister for Corporate Affairs, Addressing Students During HR Concalve at Great Lakes

Talking about the software industry and commending the growth the industry has shown in the past few years, the Minister said that as of now, we are primarily BPO and support-based industry, which is at a very low level of the value chain. Huge shortage of the skilled manpower, he said, is a constraint and is something which needs to be addressed to maintain the competitive edge. Training and development is the key.

Talking about the inclusive growth, the Minister said that the IT has brought prosperity to the country, but to a very smaller section of the society. So there's need to nurture the other millions of young and energetic youth, and help them channelize their energies in the right direction. He also mentioned that development is just not a matter of quantitative growth but also of qualitative growth, this comprises emotional and social development also.

This was followed by a session that had industry-specific insights from representatives belonging to various sectors of the industry. The panel for this session included Mr. B. Venkatramana, Sr. VP HR, Reliance Retail Ltd., Mr. Steve D. Rich, Shared Services Manager Indian & ASEAN HR, Caterpillar, Mr. Lancelot Cutinha, VP HR, Big FM, and Mr. Boddapati Balaji, Director, ADP Private Ltd.. Mr. C. Mahalingam, Executive VP & Chief People Officer, Symphony Services, chaired the session.


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* Contributed by -
Ranjit Shankar (Campus Associate),
Class of 2009,
Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai.

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