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Corporate Big-Wigs Converge at Great Lakes Institute for Human Resource Conclave

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Corporate Big-Wigs Converge at Great Lakes Institute for Human Resource Conclave
Post-event Press-release


Mr. Boddapati Balaji gave his views on the topic 'Employee Retention as a Key Strategy for Optimization & Business Transformation'. He said employee retention is most important for transformation. He narrated the Golden Buddha story and said, "People
are born 'golden', but over the years, fear and diffidence develop. Organizations need to be able to remove this fear and discover the golden part again."

In the last session of the day, the distinguished guest of the event Mr. B Muthuraman, Managing Director, Tata Steel, addressed the gathering. He said, "Industrial organizations are only babies in the context of human evolution." According to him, "HR function is not as well-developed as other disciplines because we have paid less attention to it in comparison with other disciplines. In HR, the world is moving towards measurements and CVs, instead of creating the ambience and the right work culture." He suggested that people in the senior management should have a mix of some visionaries (theorists) and some executioners. The challenge for HR, he said, is how people with both these qualities can be developed, and more importantly, how we can measure this.

All in all, it was an event that was thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated by the elite audience gathered, and hence, it lived up to its billing.


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+ Great Lakes Institute to Organize Human Resource Conclave

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* Contributed by -
Ranjit Shankar (Campus Associate),
Class of 2009,
Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai.

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