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IMI Delhi to Organize B-Plan Contest, "Yojna 2008"

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IMI Delhi to Organize B-Plan Contest, "Yojna 2008"
Last Date for Executive Summary Submission: 15 September 2008
Last Date for Submission of Detailed B-Plan: 2 October 2008
Final Presentation: 17 October 2008

In continuance of the journey embarked upon last year, Empezar '08 is the Entrepreneurship Conclave at IMI, which brings together the dab hands of the game who have been there and done it all, with the zealots to play their rhapsody and entice the world.

'Empezar' (pronounced as 'Em-uh-Zah'), Spanish for 'A Beginning', is depicted above by the clear skies, and a mind that sees opportunity galore. The essence of entrepreneurship is an initiative; a beginning towards a coveted yet uncertain and seemingly elusive end. It is the domain of an exceptional few in a crowd, who dare to step out and create opportunities for themselves and for others.

Yojna '08, the B-plan Contest under the umbrella of Empezar 2008, provides a platform to the brave-hearted and young-spirited to showcase their ideas to the world.

The Theme: Service Innovation

"Being on par in terms of price and quality only gets you into the game. Service wins the game."

- Tony Alessandra
Marketing Strategist

Shifting focus from technology to people, and from products to customers, the service industry today has more to offer and is now of central importance to advanced and developing economies. Yojna 2008 invites thought-stimulating service innovations that have the potential to be successful business plans. The plan should fall under one of the following: -

  • A brand new service that will satisfy currently unmet customer needs.

  • An innovation in an existing service that provides a significantly higher service value proposition than the existing service.

    Ideas would be judged on their innovativeness, feasibility, and conceptualization of customer requirement. A strong focus is expected on delivering value and a 'wow experience' to the customer!


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