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VP - Treasury, M&A & Investor Relations, HUL, Conducts Session at JBIMS-Mumbai

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VP - Treasury, M&A & Investor Relations, HUL, Conducts Session at JBIMS-Mumbai

It was an evening which brought along with it immense knowledge and experience as Mr. Srini Srinivasan, Vice President, Treasury, M&A and Investor Relations, HUL, addressed the batch of 2010, and gave them insights on the role of treasury in a company, especially with regards to an FMCG company and the diverse functions it looks after in order for a business to run profitably.

Srini Srinivasan, VP - Treasury, M&A & Investor Relations, HUL, Addressing Students at JBIMS

Mr. Srinivasan started off with explaining the flow of cash in an FMCG company's operation, and how it can be really difficult to manage as money changes hands at various levels of operation. He stressed on the importance of planning the payment and receipt times for a finance manager as it decides the working capital cycle of the company. 'Finance managers should be able to smell money' was the mantra for the evening as he also laid the importance for a company to work on negative working capital as it can be utilized to hedge against uncertainties in business.

During the lecture, he goaded the students to think rather than just delivering the contents by asking them questions which made the session quite interactive. He also emphasized on supply chain optimization using the company's credit ratings to effect and the role of treasury in financial engineering and financing of non core assets. The role of treasury has moved from basic treasury to world-class treasury which encompasses process innovation and break-through thinking was something that he threw light upon.

"Education is what remains with you after you have forgotten what you have studied," was Mr. Srinivasan's closing bell as he urged the students to take risks in their age which would help them learn the nuances of being a good finance manager in the future.


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Contributed by -
The Corporate Relations Committee,
Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai.

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