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XIM-B Hosts National Seminar on Operational Management, "Ashwamedh 2008"

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XIM-B Hosts National Seminar on Operational Management, "Ashwamedh 2008"


The event was opened with the traditional lamp-lighting ceremony. Thereafter, the winners of the Paper Presentation Contest, a parallel event of Ashwamedh, which saw a record participation from 140 teams,from across premier B-schools of the country, were
announced. IIM, Kozhikode and IIFT, Kolkata were declared as the winners and the runners-up of the contest respectively.

The much-awaited discussion started right in earnest after this. Myriad of sub-topics like Creation of Possibilities due to Technology, Changes in the Financial Services Sector, Changes in Operations Management from a Telecom Management Perspective, and Talent Management in Today's Borderless World, were discussed. Relevant examples like use of technology for real-time communication around the globe, incorporation of a global perspective in today's supply chain solutions, advent of mobile telephony, etc., were used to illustrate the topic on hand. All the speakers stressed on the point that the world is indeed becoming flatter and businesses today need to take this into account in order to be successful. The audience also avidly participated in the discussion when the floor was thrown open for questions.

Dignitaries from the Corporate World Particpating in Ashwamedh 2008 at XIM, Bhubaneswar

At the end, Prof. W. S. William rounded off the discussion by saying that in today's world, there is a need to prepare for working with multiple goals and understand future challenges. He also stressed the need for a process orientation and readiness on the part of companies to manage the increasing complexities of risks involved. All in all, it was indeed an excellent potpourri of views from both the academic and corporate worlds on what has, today, become a very relevant issue.


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Contributed by -
Dinah J. Rodrigues,
Coordinator, IlluminatiX,
Media & PR Cell,
Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar.

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