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Alumni Meet, Estuaire '08, Conducted by IFMR, Chennai on a Grand Scale

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Alumni Meet, Estuaire '08, Conducted by IFMR, Chennai on a Grand Scale

The IFMR Alumni Meet, Estuaire '08, held on 11th October 2008 at the IFMR Campus, was truly a day to cherish. The plans for organizing the Alumni Meet on a grand scale started right in earnest at least a month in advance. The meticulous planning coupled with generous funding
by the management and personal invitations to the alumni ensured that the event was conducted on a grand scale and there was a good turn out.

The Registration Desk which opened at 4.30 PM had a busy time right from the word go as alumni began filling in good numbers. It was quite nostalgic for the alumni to meet up with old friends and go around the campus and relive those golden student days. While refreshments were being served, the alumni caught up with long lost friends and the campus was abuzz with energy and excitement! The Alumni Meet commenced at 5.30 PM with the Welcome Address by the Dean followed by the President's Address. The alumni were taken through a flash presentation of life at IFMR. This was followed by a briefing about the various activities undertaken and the plans for the future.

The Alumni Relations Cell unveiled new plans for the future to strengthen the ties of the alumni with the institute. The members of various clubs gave a briefing about the activities undertaken thus far, and initiatives for the future. This was interspersed with fun trivia quizzes related to IFMR.

Once the formal session concluded, it was time to chill out and have a rocking time (quite literally!) what with a Rock Band all set to entertain the crowd and a light drizzle adding to the mood of the hour! One of the students of the current batch, who was part of a rock band, had brought his band down to the campus and the crowd was treated to some foot-tapping numbers. The crowd continued to enjoy themselves and swing to the peppy numbers unmindful of the downpour that followed! The rock performance was one of the highlights of the evening and was thoroughly enjoyed by one and all.

Performance by a Rock Band to Keep the IFMR Alumni Entertained


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* Contributed by -
Uttam Sharma,
Coordinator - Alumni Committee,
Institute for Financial Management & Research (IFMR), Chennai.

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