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Annual International Business Conclave, 'Manfest 2009', to be Held at IIM Lucknow

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Annual International Business Conclave, 'Manfest 2009', to be Held at IIM Lucknow
Theme: "Sustainable Development: Fuelling the Future"
On January 16-18, 2009

It is time again for the best in the country. Leaders who have shown the way forward, Business Czars who have dared to tread the path less travelled, the Academia who have enlightened the path ahead, and the harbingers of the future who need to chart their own
course, to come together. It is time for one of the most-awaited events of the year, IIM Lucknow's Annual International Business Conclave - "Manfest 2009". Manfest 2008 concluded with prizes worth INR 14 Lakh and participation from top-tier B-schools in the country as well as abroad. The brand new edition aims to be bigger, better and more responsive to the ever-changing corporate scenario, which is reflected in this year's theme "Sustainable Development: Fuelling the Future". With over 25 thought-provoking events and budgets soaring higher, this edition of Manfest aims to maintain and strengthen its position as one of the best management events in the country.

Continuing with the sterling success of its previous edition is Karvy Stock Broking Limited's Karvy Online, the investment and portfolio management competition, which saw an infusion of over INR 1 Crore in stock markets, the current edition takes it one step further with trading taking place not only in BSE / NSE, but also in Commodities Markets, Mutual Funds and Futures & Options. The 11-week-long event will not only be attracting participation from the Premier B-schools from across the country, but also will be opened to corporate for the first time. Every team would invest a minimum of Rs. 10,000 (no upper limit) worth of real money in real time markets with a minimal brokerage fee of Rs. 500 per account for trading. With real money come real prizes. The teams get to keep all the profits they make, and the winning teams walk away with INR 1.75 Lakh worth of cash prizes.

Says Vishal Srivastava of Karvy Stock Broking Limited, "Our previous association with Manfest saw us launch one of the biggest online trading events, and we are sure that the new edition, which is the biggest event of its kind till date, will provide both, the avid investors as well as the new entrants, a great opportunity to make a big impression in the stock markets."

IIM Lucknow, with its mission of being a global, socially-conscious and integrated school of management contributing towards management development in India and abroad, undertakes a diverse range of academic activities and interventions aimed at the creation, dissemination, and application of management knowledge and practices. Manfest began in 1988 with a vision to provide a platform that brings together academicians, students and practitioners of management in an environment that fosters thought, deliberation and debate and where great minds and ideas of the future find expression.


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