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SIOM-Nashik All Set to Host National Operations Excellence Seminar, "Tattv '08"

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SIOM-Nashik All Set to Host National Operations Excellence Seminar, "Tattv '08"
Theme: "Strategic Foresight: The Power of Envisioning Future"
On October 4 & 5, 2008

Symbiosis Institute of Operations Management (SIOM), Nashik will host Tattv '08, a National Seminar on Operations Excellence on October 4th & 5th, 2008. The event will be held at Hotel Taj Residency, Nashik.

SIOM has been organizing Tattv as its flagship event for the last two years in line with its philosophy of 'Empowering Operations Excellence'. Tattv serves as a platform not only for SIOM but also helps industrial delegates who attend the conference in enhancing their knowledge with current industrial trends and best practices.

Tattv is a forum for global leaders to share and discuss their Competitive Excellence and Operations. It provides a platform for the Business Leaders to address various issues, tools and technologies with emphasis on achieving competitive edge by means of their Global Operational Models. It focuses on crucial dimensions of Business Operations, those which will lead to higher success levels and excellence in the global business environment.

The theme for Tattv '08 is 'Strategic Foresight: The Power of Envisioning the Future'. It is a tool which would provide the power for envisioning the future of businesses and their operations on the anvil of 'Vision', 'Innovation', and 'Thinking'. This would help businesses to judge what the future might look like, and return to the present with new insights.

There exists no time machine, but foresight techniques which will help to anticipate the future. Strategic foresight is the response to the problems of rapid change and inadequate planning processes. It is an integrated approach to strategy that allows managers to discover and articulate a preferred direction of their organization, while exploring the strategic foresight in the areas of 'Creativity', 'Vision', 'Innovation' and 'Synergy'.

The objectives of Tattv are to obtain insights into how the three major business elements, namely People, Process & Technology, could be strategically and operationally interlaced to achieve organization's goals and to understand organizations' role as a Strategic Business Partner and Agent of Change.

The symposium is spread over a length of two-days and is segregated into six sessions. They would explore various dimensions of Strategic Foresight, viz., how it could be achieved through and integrated with Operations Excellence. It would address how now-a-days, Indian Businesses are thinking progressively and innovatively into the future while setting up benchmarks for the global village to follow.


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