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SITM-Pune to Organize XII National Telecom Seminar, "Communique ’08"

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SITM-Pune to Organize XII National Telecom Seminar, "Communique ’08"
Theme: "Telecom Media Convergence: Commerce of a Unified Ecosystem"
On October 3 & 4, 2008

The XIIth National Telecom Seminar, SITM Communiqué '08, scheduled on 3rd and 4th of October 2008 at Symbiosis Vishwabhavan, S. B. Road, Pune, is the flagship event of Symbiosis Institute of Telecom Management (SITM). The theme for this year's seminar is "Telecom
Media Convergence: Commerce of a Unified Ecosystem"
, which would cover a wide gamut of topics from 'Smart Phone to Entertainment Phone', 'DTH Vs. Cable: The Battlefield for Supremacy' to 'Digital Asset Management'.

Communiqué '08 will also feature other contemporary and relevant topics concerning telecom and media convergence. The seminar this year is also featuring Panel Discussions ranging from 'Managing Business Convergence' to 'In the Convergence Ecosystem, Will Telecom Houses or Media Conglomerates be Successful?' This year, not only the who's who from the telecom fraternity, but also eminent personalities from the media and its related industries would grace the event.

Symbiosis Institute of Telecom Management, Pune has been organizing the National Telecom Seminar for the past 11 years. The idea behind this is to bring stalwarts of the industry on a neutral platform in order to come to a consensus on some of the contemporary issues confronting the industry. It also unveils the practical aspects, prevailing trends, and the expected route of the industry by providing a common platform for the students and the industry experts to interact.

The seminar provides a platform where the experts from all verticals like cellular service providers, regulatory authorities, organizations like AUSPI, COAI, GSA, TEMA, equipment vendors, billing software vendors, telecom consultants, come together to discuss the current trends and emerging business opportunities in the telecom sector.

Delegate Fees will be accepted at the venue on the event day also. For prior bookings, please contact at the details below.

Contact Details

For further details, contact: -
The Seminar Commitee,
Symbiosis Institute of Telecom Management,
Symbiosis Knowledge Village, Near Lupin Research Park,
Lavale Village, Mulshi Tehsil,
Pune - 411042.
Email: /
Phone: 020-39116196 / 0-9921092648 / 0-9921093764

Event Schedule

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