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Indian Women in Travel & Tourism Top List of Recipients for 2008 MasterCard-U21 Global Scholarship Program

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Indian Women in Travel & Tourism Top List of Recipients for 2008 MasterCard-U21Global Scholarship Program

MasterCard Worldwide and U21Global have jointly announced the recipients of the MasterCard-U21Global Scholarship Program for Women in Travel & Tourism. New Zealand and India topped the recipient list, with four scholarship recipients each, followed
by three recipients from Australia and two from China.

Twenty women from Asia-Pacific, Middle East & Africa have been offered full scholarships to pursue the Post Graduate Diploma of Business Administration from U21Global, the world's premier Online Graduate School. This is the third consecutive year that MasterCard and U21Global are collaborating to offer this scholarship program.

The MasterCard Worldwide-U21Global Scholarship Program for Women in Travel and Tourism aims to empower working women professionals in the travel and tourism industry to stay ahead of industry trends and realize their full potential.

This year's cohort of scholars has an average of 12 years work experience in the travel and tourism industry. They work in organizations ranging from national tourism councils, airlines, hotels, travel agencies and travel publications. The majority are in mid-to-senior level managerial positions.

"To have been awarded this scholarship means the world to me. I am now empowered with the ability to fulfil my dreams of higher education while pursuing my career aspirations. With U21Global's online platform and quality content, I am confident that I will be given the best opportunity to enhance my knowledge about the industry and achieve my professional goals, all the while maintaining a healthy work/life balance," said Nancy D'Almeida, General Manager, Cruises, Thomas Cook (I) Ltd.

"This scholarship combined with my eagerness for self-development will go a long way in helping my organisation achieve its corporate objectives. I look forward to interacting with the global student body and learning from the wealth of experience that can only come from a graduate school with students and faculty from different countries and cultures," said Nagalakshmi Nagarathnam, a Manager at the Learning & Development Department at Indian Hotels Company Limited.

The program focuses on diverse aspects of tourism management and helps build a broad understanding of management principles and practices as they apply in the tourism and travel industries. The curriculum has been developed by Christel DeHaan Tourism & Travel Research Institute, a part of Nottingham University Business School and U21Global, a leader in offering quality graduate online education to working executives and professionals.


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