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Director EABS, Comprise Think-Tank of First World Entrepreneurship Forum Held in France

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Director EABS, Comprise Think-Tank of First World Entrepreneurship Forum Held in France

The World Entrepreneurship Forum, founded by EMLYON Business School, the leading European business school in Entrepreneurship, and KPMG, the leading tax, audit and advisory services company, is the first worldwide think-tank dedicated to entrepreneurs and their role in society. Internationally recognized business school and global leader in entrepreneurship education, Babson College (Boston, USA), has just joined the two founding partners in the organization of the event.

Dr. Nikhil Agarwal, Director, Europe-Asia Business School (EABS) has been invited along with two other Indians to be part of the think-tank. Dr. Agarwal said, "The troubled times has brought the focus back on entrepreneurship." He emphasised, "Developing nations like India should build up the enterprises which can provide not only employment to the people but help in eradicating poverty from the country."

Destined to become the annual gathering for global entrepreneurial leaders, the World Entrepreneurship Forum bought together 96 selected personalities representing 35 nationalities. Four profiles that each have an entrepreneurial role in society - entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurs, politicians, and experts - met and discussed the topic of "Entrepreneur as a Creator of Economic Wealth & Social Justice".

Some of the Dignitaries from Across the World Attending World Entrepreneurship Forum at Evian, France

During the 3-day think-tank, discussions were held in private sessions, leading the recommendations and suggestions for the world. After the deliberations, 12 recommendations were suggested by the think-tank members. Based on these recommendations, now further research will be carried out at the business school and application will be advised to entrepreneurs from across the world.

Dr. Agarwal said, "We will set up India-Entrepreneurship Forum as run-up event to World-Entrepreneurship Forum. The platform will give an opportunity for entrepreneurs and social entrepreneurs to come together to discuss the issues related to grass-root-level entrepreneurship." Europe Asia Business School will create a forum of experts from different strata to make the forum happen.

For more information about the World Entrepreneurship Forum, please visit: -


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* Contributed by -
Tarun Chaturvedi,
Manager - Academics,
ZenSar Center for Business Innovation (ZCBI), Pune.

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