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Great Lakes to Organize First International Entrepreneurship Conference

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Great Lakes to Organize First International Entrepreneurship Conference
Theme: "Entrepreneurship: Moving Beyond the Metros"
On December 15, 2008

Great Lakes would hold the first international entrepreneurship conference on 'Entrepreneurship: Moving Beyond the Metros', a Great Lakes T. S. Srinivasan Chair on Entrepreneurship event, at The Accord Metropolitan, Chennai on 15th December 2008.

Conference Objective

The 2008 Conference champions the cause of entrepreneurship in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities by inspiring the entrepreneurial ecosystem players to take entrepreneurship to Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities.

About the Conference

Today, Entrepreneurship confined within metros is a miniscule metro-centric phenomenon which is powerless in bringing about a socially and economically significant revolution in regional development. The conference theme is a literal and figurative clarion call to make entrepreneurship a high impact interventional social philosophy and application. In this time of turmoil, due to global financial meltdown, facilitating and fostering Entrepreneurship in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities hold the key for economic freedom and sustainability of the regions. The conference celebrates entrepreneurship in those cities.

The conference will address the theme in holistic manner by bringing together thought leaders from academia and real entrepreneurial ecosystem. The conference provides a platform to exchange and share the knowledge among the various entrepreneurial ecosystem players like entrepreneurs, aspiring entrepreneurs, academic researchers, entrepreneurial professionals like VCs & Angels and policy-makers.

The conference would comprise of keynote addresses, panel discussions and academic thought sharing presentations. Keynote speakers and members of panel discussions include faculty from famous business schools, renowned entrepreneurs, policy-makers, VCs and angel investors. Among them are Mr. Lakshmi Narayanan, Vice-Chairman, Cognizant Technology Solutions and Dr. C. K. Prahalad is also expected to address.


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