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Annual B-school Fest, L'attitude 13° 05', to be Organized by Great Lakes Institute

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Annual B-school Fest, L'attitude 13° 05', to be Organized by Great Lakes Institute
Theme: "Global Mind-sets, Indian Roots"
On December 20, 2008


Dvija: Re-launch Failed Product

In ancient India, being twice born meant being born in spirit and undergoing a spiritual growth through 4 stages in life. The institute presents DVIJA for re-launch of a failed
product. Come and re-invent a failed product through its lifetime and execute it to success.

Rahasya: Online Cryptic Game

A mystical teaching which has captured the minds of people since eternity. This form of secret wisdom is coveted by all. For the first time, the institute presents online cryptic game. Use all senses, and especially the 6th sense, to crack the puzzle and advance to the next level.

CEO Conclave

At CEO Conclave, the powerhouses of the business world come together to provide the best mix of perspectives on the major challenges facing business and industry today. Together, they debate the contemporary issues and emerging challenges in the corporate domain. They share their vast experiences, their successes as well as their failures and enrich all with their thoughts.

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