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Finance & Consulting Continue to Rule the Roost at IIM Ahmedabad Summer Placements

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Finance & Consulting Continue to Rule the Roost at IIM Ahmedabad Summer Placements


Changing Profiles, Changing Trends

Over the past few years, the profile of the PGP Batch at IIM Ahmedabad has changed considerably in favour of more work experience across various sectors such as banking,
consulting, operations, marketing and systems. This has led to students entering IIM-A having more clarity about the roles they would like to take up during placements. Therefore, many more recruiters, including those from niche areas, such as Artaaj, an event management firm, have chosen to come down to campus this year. Prominent among other first time recruiters was the Planning Commission of India, which chose to recruit exclusively from IIM Ahmedabad. Another prominent recruiter in this area was the Forward Markets Commission. IIM-A believes this to be a significant step towards management graduates contributing in areas such as public policy and economic planning - a trend that is expected to pick-up in years to come.

Entrepreneurship - A Culture of Excellence

Continuing with its tradition of being an incubation ground for top-class entrepreneurs, IIM Ahmedabad gave students the option of taking up internships with start-up firms and successful entrepreneurs. IIM-A believes that this gives students a high-level perspective on the challenges involved in entrepreneurship, and is an excellent opportunity for students to learn important aspects of starting and running their own businesses. In fact, over the past few years, many students have chosen to turn down international offers and high salaries to start their own ventures. This year, around 15 students will do internships with entrepreneurial firms.

Flight to Quality: Re-affirming IIM-A as a Premier Recruitment Partner

While the number of Slot Zero offers compared to last year reflects the slow-down in the global economy, prominent international banks have continued to show faith in the quality of IIM Ahmedabad students. The trend IIM-A has seen in this placement season is that as the mandate of recruiters in terms of numbers falls, they choose to be more selective about the campuses they visit. The fact that many recruiters chose to visit only IIM Ahmedabad this time reflects the long-standing relationship that the campus has with its recruiters and also the quality and competence of IIM-A alumni across the world.

While there is no doubt that market conditions are difficult at the moment, the recently concluded summer placements process has re-affirmed the strength of the relationships that IIM Ahmedabad has with the corporate world.


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Contributed by -
Pratik Ved,
Secretary - Media Cell,
Students' Affairs Council,
IIM Ahmedabad.

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