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IIM Calcutta Launches State-of-the-Art Financial Research & Trading Lab

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IIM Calcutta Launches State-of-the-Art Financial Research & Trading Lab


IIM Calcutta's Financial Research & Trading Lab will be the first of its kind among the IIMs and will give an opportunity to students, faculty and Executive Education participants to test financial models with live financial information from all the major sources from
around the world - NSE, BSE, MCX, NCDEX, Bloomberg, etc.

The Lab will provide students hands-on data analysis and modeling experience through access to real time national and international financial data, market information, business news and cutting edge financial analysis software. New methods of teaching will use live market information to test market hypotheses. Some example of this are: the estimation of latency ratio to test market efficiency, intra-day market behaviour, algorithmic trading and its associated risks, and co-integration of financial markets. This allows the training of tomorrow's financial managers to take informed decisions. It would also support and enhance academic research with the availability of extensive historical and real time data.

The Lab will provide opportunities for collaborative research and teaching with other functional disciplines such as Operations Management and MIS. The Lab would provide short-term training programmes in contemporary issues in finance such as market pricing, asset liability management, risk management, trading strategies, market microstructure and structured products.

The Lab will be primarily used for five purposes: -

  • Teaching in our various academic programmes

  • Research on financial markets

  • Product design and testing

  • Executive education

  • Organizing international / national conferences


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    Contributed by -
    Aloke Guin,
    IIM Calcutta.

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